30 Jul 6-foot Diameter Sphere Aqualens in Panama
A delightful gentleman, Anthony DiGuiseppe, commissioned me to make this massive aqualens that uses a 6-foot (2 meter) diameter steel sphere set in a 6-foot (2 meter) diameter stainless steel dish.
We bonded over the fact that we both became grand parents on almost the same day.
This massive sphere fountain was designed to be placed in front of a bank in Panama City, Panama.
The really unique feature of this fountain is that the sphere is constructed from steel instead of Acrylic (like most of my fountains). This gives the fountain a really unique appearance, as the steel is polished and more reflective than my ‘normal’ spheres, plus the large size of the sphere ads to the reflective effect.
It’s amazing to me that I can make something fully assembled of this size so that the client can simply unpack, place it where they want it and then simply plug it in.