An Interesting Customer Story

An Interesting Customer Story

An Interesting Customer Story

A few years ago, I had a client come to my house to tour my garden and see all of my sculptures and water fountains. While it’s not uncommon for me to have customers visit my home and view my gardens, it is fairly unusual for them to stay more than thirty minutes to an hour.

This particular customer stayed for several hours and made himself a bit more comfortable at my home than I’m used to. That said, he was an excellent guest and we shared several amusing stories.

He told me that he lived not far from me and that he had recently had a lake added to his property. I subsequently saw it and would say it was 4-5 acres. He was showing off his new lake to the local Lord. The titled lord commented that he had a pond that was much larger than 4-5 acres but he never referred to it as a Lake, only a pond!

I laughed and told my client that I had had exactly the same response from my local lord when he came around, but that my ‘lake’ was only an acre or so and I have always referred to it as a pond ever since.

When my client left, my window cleaner (who was there throughout the visit) came dashing over and said HOW do you know Ringo Starr!!!!????

I had spent more than 2 hours with my childhood dream and never even realized! He had used his real name of Richard Starkey and I completely failed to make the connection!

When all was said and done I made him a large water feature which was installed in the center of his UK home. He was a total delight to work with. I only wish I had known at the outset as I would have washed my hair! 🙂