Aqualens on Rooftop Garden Habitat in Brooklyn, NY

Aqualens on Rooftop Garden Habitat in Brooklyn, NY

Aqualens on Rooftop Garden Habitat in Brooklyn, NY

Last year I worked with the amazing organizations of Alive Structures and Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund in Brooklyn, NY. They wanted an Aqualens to be a part of their Kingsland Wildflowers Project, which aimed to create a rooftop garden habitat for plant and wildlife amongst the urban sprawl of Brooklyn.

Now the Kingsland Wildflowers rooftop garden is open and thriving! The Guardian released an article calling the Kingsland Wildflowers habitat an “architectural gem,” featuring a photo of the Aqualens.

I am so honored to have been a part of this amazing project committed to expanding natural habitat for local bird and wildlife populations. Check out more on their website here.

Here is also a neat video about the history behind the project.