23 Apr Emirates Design
One of the keys to being a successful, modern-day artist is networking with landscape architects and design firms from all over the world. That’s how I’m able to sell my sphere fountains and garden sculptures to places such as Russia, Brazil, China, and the United Arab Emirates (fountain pictured).
This particular fountain was sourced by Slavi Yanev, managing directer at Emirates Design. Emirates Design is a planning and consulting company based in Dubai, encompassing every aspect of Luxury Interior & Exterior Design.
Mr. Slavi Yanev has ordered and placed several sphere fountains in the past, and most commonly places them inside – which is rather unique for my customers. I imagine the daytime heat in the UAE has something to do with it! 🙂
I bring this up because Slavi recently got in touch looking for another fountain with a 24-inch sphere and 5-foot diameter stainless steel dish – for another of his clients in Dubai.
I’m looking forward to seeing photos of another project in Dubai, and I’ll share those photos when the project is complete.