Pinwheel in a New Location


Pinwheel in a New Location

fire-pinwheelI recently moved my Pinwheel garden sculpture to a new location as shown here. This new setting shows off the Pinwheel in a much better light – both during the day and at night.

I don’t usually use colored lights on my sculptures, but the pinwheel lit up in red is rather spectacular.

I was recently contacted about pinwheel:

“I love all of your work! fantastic … My interest now is your pinwheel. Very beautiful! I can send pics of the space where I am wanting to display your art…I am in the middle of redesigning my side garden, which with your piece, will all work together as a complete design…I have been searching the last few years for sculpture to add, and I know your art would be perfect…”

I appreciate the feedback, and I hope to see this beautiful sculpture in more locations soon.

More Pinwheel Pictures: